
What I Learned From Being a Pitch Wars Mentor

This will likely be my last Pitch Wars post. Unless I write another one. Satisfaction guaranteed, or your money back. But I wanted to share the things I learned this year that I didn’t know before. I want to say up front that I’m going to talk about it being hard, but I’m not at...

Pitch Wars Behind the Scenes: The Truth as Battles Begin*

Warning. If you’re a mentor actually involved in a battle, turn away now. I know this is a stressful time for you. So of course the rest of us are going to have fun with it. And that’s the truth of it. Behind the scenes right now the mentors who are engaged in battle are...

Prepare for Battle (Behind the Scenes)

It’s that time. Mentors are preparing to battle for their favorite submissions. A lot of people wonder what that’s like. And who can you count on to give you the behind the scenes truth? Obviously you’d imagine this would be handled with the utmost decorum. Sure. Brenda keeps things calm  throws a live badger into a...

More Pitch Wars Behind the Scenes Truth*

I’ve shared some stunning truths thus far, but today…today we look into the deepest of the Pitch Wars behind the scenes secrets. I’ve talked about cliques. I’ve talked about bands of romance writing assassins. But today I want to talk to you about something else. Because seriously, how long can a guy beat the same...

A Behind the Scenes Look At Pitch Wars*

Somebody suggested that my posts lately have been a little serious. Which immediately led me to the realization that I need to fix that. So I hereby certify  that this post is 100% useful information free. So if you’re here expecting to get some sort of life or writing lesson…perhaps you should move along. The...

Is This Any Good?

Is this any good? Everybody says they want feedback, but really, deep down in that place we don’t talk about, that’s what we really want to know, right? Is this any good? Can I write, or am I wasting my time? And then there’s that question’s insidious cousin. Am *I* any good? Let me say...

10 Things About Pitch Wars You May Not Know

I know some things. I’ve been on both sides of this. All three sides. I’ve been an entrant who got no requests. I’ve been an entrant who got in. Now I’m a mentor. So…you know…perspective. Certainly I’m not the only one who’s been in all three spots. But it’s just a few of us. So...

Answer to Random PW Questions

I put out a call for Pitch Wars questions tonight. In this post, I’ll answer some of them. These are off the top of my head answers, not at all researched, and not at all definitive. In almost all cases, you’ll find a better answer somewhere else. But these are mine. I wouldn’t mind hearing...

How to Find a Critique Partner (CP)

Someone the other day told me that we all tout the importance of Critique Partners (CPs) (Which we do. We all do.) Then asked how you find them. And while I don’t really have the time to write a huge long post about it, I wanted to get something out now, because the time is...

Pitch Wars Update

That was fun. Dan and I have finished going through our inbox, and are discussing submissions. We got a lot. We will post how many, and give some other statistics in the near future. I’m not posting it now, because we like to analyze data and put it into useful formats. That’s just the kind...

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   A seasoned military officer uncovers a deadly conspiracy on a distant, war-torn planet…

About Me

I am a former Soldier and current science fiction writer. Usually I write about Soldiers. Go figure. I’m represented by Lisa Rodgers of JABberwocky Literary Agency. If you love my blog and want to turn it into a blockbuster movie featuring Chris Hemsworth as me, you should definitely contact her.

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